A Bird Could Fly Into Your Engine...
It's a it's a it's a duck.
Birds don't simply bounce off a plane if a midair collision occurs. A 4-pound bird exerts more than 6 tons of force if hit by a plane traveling 200 mph, according to a presentation given to Oklahoma County commissioners. Biologist Philip Robinson said some geese weigh up to 15 pounds.
Well, if this isn't as far from mundane as possible. Yesterday, there was an emergency landing by a US Airways airplane in the Hudson River due to a flock of geese disrupted the engines. Hmmm...that's the nice reporter way to put it. I can only imagine those birds being ripped to shreds. Lord have mercy. Isn't it interesting that we can try to control every aspect of a situation, but there are always ways that it can go wrong. A bird could fly into your engine.
It's strange to think that just about three weeks ago I was on a US Airways flight from Memphis to Tallahassee...oh yeah, going through the Charlotte Airport. I can't fathom this sort of experience.
I think that it's important to take from this the ability of human nature in such a crisis. How strong do you think you could be if a bird hit your engine? Every day we are tested to see whether or not our character will shine through or crack under the pressure. For the small things, one day we might stand firm and another day we might bend, but I really hope that when that big bird flies into my engine I can be strong enough to withstand the crash.
Til Next Time,
You're right. I think we could all learn from the experience those people had. My worst airplane experience was a very turbulent flight from Memphis to NYC. I know I was freaking out. Having said that, I can only wish that if sometime a bird crashes my engine, that I would have the attitude the pilot of that flight had. :)
I totally agree! some days your bird in the engine feels like a drop of watter that feels like a flood, and other days, it's just a drop of watter rolling off your back. I think the take away for me is that regardless of what you are going through, others are affected by how you handle the drop.
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