Mediastinum Extravaganza...
Well last Wednesday was a very exciting day. Usually Wednesdays are extremely busy for me because it's right smack dab in the middle of the week and I've already worked two night shifts at the blood center, so at that point I'm pretty tired. Plus, I have the most classes to go to on Wednesday.
However, tucked right into the folds of such a long week was a breath of fresh air when I walked into my Anatomy & Physiology II lab. Sometimes, I feel like I knew all along that this was what I was supposed to be doing. Every time I took a career assessment or personality profile in high school and college, it always said nursing, healthcare worker, social services or teacher. But today in lab I knew that my direction needed to be medical because of the fascination, intrigue, interest, and most importantly, desire to help. I was born with a strong stomach though. And that for sure is a major plus to working in healthcare.'s not generally preventative. It's pretty messy!
The coolest thing is that when you have a strong stomach and the intrigue for what you're studying, and you're professor tells you to hold a human heart in your hands to study it....ummm.....ya jump right on it! I had the opportunity in lab to dig deep into the circulatory and respiratory system when I was presented with what is known as the mediastinum. minus the vertebrae and connective tissues usually associated with this region, I was looking at, touching, holding, and investigating the heart, lungs, bronchials, trachea, and just for fun the tongue from a single donor. So everything was in proportion and attached appropriately. Some people were a little freaked out about it. Being that these organs were at one point keeping a person alive, but I mean how else do you think we learn about the body? I wouldn't want a surgeon who had never known the way it feels to cut into a real body. Plus these are donations to science, not just ones they take without asking. People wanted to be of use even after death. I think it's noble.
I'm a nerd. But I'm going to be a nurse!
Til Next Time,
The Area I'm In...

It's Picturesque!
Yay for the future nurse!!! I would have thrown up on my shoes and really everyone in the room's shoes, but yhoo for you!!! =)
WOW! That was way cool. I haven't read any blogs in a little over a week (I was in El Salvador) so I was glad to find a long list of reading material :)
If I ever need a nurse, I'll make sure it's you :)
You held an actual heart in your hands!?
I'm always amazed at people's calling. But I'm most astonished about people who want to be doctors or nurses or work with other people's illnesses, mental or physical.
Because I can't even wash my own cuts and scrapes. It makes me sick to see a drop of my own blood.
So my respect for you and your kind is immense.
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