
What to Cook for Supper?

In the past 23 years, I've never really cooked meals. Unless those meals were for one or two people, pretty infrequently, I have waived it off as too much a hassle or ordeal. Growing up, I was never really taught how to plan, shop for, and cook meals. Well, sure, I know how to cook things like cookies, mac & cheese, hamburgers, ya know, simply stuff. But there's only so many days you can eat macaroni.

What do I do? What do I want to eat? More importantly, it is becoming ever more apparent that I must be organized and planned out before I walk into the grocery store to avoid the major blow to the wallet.

How do you being to plan meals? Where do you start? How do you make it interesting? HELP!!!


WanderingLili said...

Rachel Ray is a great start. Some advice though is don't fall into the casserole, you’ll gain 85 lbs and have to have a bypass

WanderingLili said...

Hey !!! Check this out Chicken... Go to

I got this from my friend Louise. Lots of good recipes!

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